Purchasing allows you to enter purchase orders for inventory and save then by system generated sequence number. Purchase orders contain ordered/requested/received dates, can be converted into Quickbooks PO in one click and can printed, faxed, or emailed.
- Extensive data entry for customer invoices
- Easily create invoice from sales order
- Post commission per line item
- Quick pay button
- Print/email invoice
- Scan supporting documents per invoice
- Apply full or per line discounts
- Process CC from invoice
- Full Quickbooks integration
More Features
- Record up-charges, such as packing or dropship fees
- Record freight charges
- Up-charges and freight cost added to item cost
- View open sales per PO lines
- Attach scanned documents per invoice
- Multiple receiving per PO
- Update saved costs for product and similar products from PO screen
- Project lead times for purchase order items based on historic data
- Extensive search and filter options
Video Demo
Video of customer file in action.
Screenshots from this Module